Helpful and friendly tutor
London, United Kingdom
Platinum Verified Member
September 2021Replies In 00 Hour
0 + Hours Taught
- Email: Tutor has a verified email
- Address: Tutor has verified address by supplying utility bills or license.
- Mobile: Tutor has verified mobile number that is validated thru SMS pin
- Social Media:Tutor has connected Facebook account proving their online presence.
- Credit Card: Tutor has verified credit card details to prove their age and authenticity
- Professional Reference: Tutor has verified personal reference to enhance trust
- DBS: This verification proves that the tutor does not have any criminal record.
My Bio
I’m a current second year undergraduate student at kings college london! I have recently done my A levels therefore I am well equipped in regards to what is expected of students, how the specifications work and have plenty of experience with exam papers and what they are looking for. This ranges from Aqa, Edexcel and Wjec! I'll be helping with the subjects listed below by delivering low cost services here.
Helpful and friendly tutor
London, United Kingdom
Platinum Verified Member
September 2021I teach following age groups
Secondary Education (Child age 11 to 15 )
Replies In 00 Hour
0 + Hours Taught
- Email: Tutor has a verified email
- Address: Tutor has verified address by supplying utility bills or license.
- Mobile: Tutor has verified mobile number that is validated thru SMS pin
- Social Media:Tutor has connected Facebook account proving their online presence.
- Credit Card: Tutor has verified credit card details to prove their age and authenticity
- Professional Reference: Tutor has verified personal reference to enhance trust
- DBS: This verification proves that the tutor does not have any criminal record.
My Bio
I’m a current second year undergraduate student at kings college london! I have recently done my A levels therefore I am well equipped in regards to what is expected of students, how the specifications work and have plenty of experience with exam papers and what they are looking for. This ranges from Aqa, Edexcel and Wjec! I'll be helping with the subjects listed below by delivering low cost services here.
Cancellation Mild (24 hours in advance for refund)Rimsha.s
London, United Kingdom
Platinum Verified Member
September 2021My Bio
I’m a current second year undergraduate student at kings college london! I have recently done my A levels therefore I am well equipped in regards to what is expected of students, how the specifications work and have plenty of experience with exam papers and what they are looking for. This ranges from Aqa, Edexcel and Wjec! I'll be helping with the subjects listed below by delivering low cost services here.
Cancellation Mild (24 hours in advance for refund)Subjects
Business studies
Essay Writing
English (GCSE)
English (KS3)
Kings college london History Degree
Six form Sociology
Six form Media studies
Six form History
My Group session
There is no group sessions created by the tutor!