INTRO. 1ST lesson is an intro. where the student and I get to know each other and s/he shows me her/his work & we discuss what she/he wants to get most from the lessons! This way I can get a better idea of her/his skill level and interests. Some things we will cover…..
COMPOSITION Teach about how placement of images on the paper/canvas effects the overall picture. How to create dynamic, interesting compositions.
DEPTH OF FIELD & DRAWING TECHNIQUES Exercises in basic drawing skills; shading, how light casts shadows, drawing perspective (“3D”), depth of field, composition, positive & negative space, horizon line/vanishing points, etc. Exercises in sketching; faces, still life, landscapes, etc., utilizing reference materials & from life.
WAYS OF SEEING Practicing “seeing” things to be able to draw them correctly: “The upside-down” drawing exercise (seeing shapes vs. what something is “supposed” to look like. Using imagination! Some exercise ideas: “Painting” music…listening to music and painting color, sounds, etc. Life painting…still lifes,animals, figures, plants, objects, mannequin, etc. but also painting from the imagination. …seeing colors and shapes that exist in nature. Gesture painting….quick line studies to get feeling of figures, etc.
BASIC COLOR THEORY Give her/him beginning color charts (primary, secondary, tertiary colors, tints, tones). Have them make their own color chart. Practice mixing and blending colors, tints and tones. Work with different color media. Learn how to “see” colors.
CRITIQUING Each week an assignment will be given and at the next lesson we’ll take time to critique it and discuss what the student has learned, what they enjoyed most about the assignment and what they had difficulties with.
OTHER LESSON OPTIONS Drawing cartoons, basic photo editing skills, oil painting (for advanced students), pen & ink illustration, collage. Also, the student is welcome to suggest other techniques and materials they are interested in.