The Top 7 Revision Techniques to Get you Better Grades! | My Hobby Courses

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The Top 7 Revision Techniques to Get you Better Grades!

June 08 , 2022
14:56 pm
468 Page Visits

Well ‌, welcome to the world of digitalization where content has become infinite and the span of attention is plummeting day by day. However, where social media engagement is booming these days, especially after the pandemic period, the relationship with our memory is on the edge of extinction. Whom would you blame for it?

Of course, no one is on the wrong side here but ourselves. We have to make some effective decisions here to come out of this web of attention seekers and should opt for a more strict schedule to improve our mind power by not filling it up with garbage but rather filling it up with crucial knowledge. To invent this habit, one should learn some tricks and revision techniques to keep any useful items in our mind's storage for a long time, so that it can help in our exams as well. So, let us give you some really helpful and effective revision techniques to get you to keep going on in the race of implementing your learning whenever it is necessary.

Please follow the timetable!

We all know that it is a ubiquitous phenomenon that we follow the old and classic advice of making a timetable, and after two to three days, we either forget that we have made a timetable or find it very difficult to continuously follow it. Some reasons, like emergency work or situations, are fine, but the main reason behind the curtain is that we dwell so deeply in the world of social media that our laziness has to wake up to keep up with the timetable. So what you should do is not only make the timetable on your smartphone or laptop but rather make it on paper and stick it up on your desk or wall so it will remind you every time you pass that or look at it. Revision is kind of a reminder that needs a motivational reminder (revision technique) like following the timetable and not giving reign to laziness.

Choose the most appropriate time!

You have experienced that scenario, right? If you sit and try to concentrate on your studies, but whatever method or hard work you try, if the timing is not right, you won’t be able to do any productive work, even if you waste 2-3 hours behind that. Therefore, it is imperative that you choose your time according to your schedule or your understanding, at which you’d be able to concentrate and aggregate all your attention towards only one goal, which is studying, and this will not only boost your learning power but also elevate your confidence. Better timing, of course, is a vital revision technique to do well in exams.

Comfortable but not so Comfortable space!

Let me give you the difference between a comfortable and not-so-comfortable space. The spot in your home where you can chill and easily fall asleep is called a "comfortable space." While imagining the spot where you cannot do both of the things mentioned in the above statement, it is called a "not so comfortable space." However, we want the spot which lies in between where you get enough comfort to keep going on and not enough comfort to go into a deep sleep or start yawning after 5 minutes. That’s what we call "comfortable but not so comfortable space"! You feel like it’s a small thing, but believe us when we say that it does matter and has an impact on your memory power as well as on your attention span. As a result, it is one of the best revision techniques on our list for assisting students with academic and exam preparation.

Make notes in your own words!

This revision technique is the best when it is done right. We are always given instructions to take notes in every lecture and every seminar we attend, but at the end, we just copy and paste what the lecturers show on slides or write on board without thinking that if we’ve understood it correctly or in the future if we look at that text again, we’ll be able to remember the whole exact point or not. That is why we are suggesting that if you are making notes, then make them effectively in your words so that later on, if you’re trying to revise for exams, you’ll get the concept just by looking at your notes. And, if you are unable to take notes during the current lecture, request your friend's notes with an explanation and write them in your own words in your notebook; do not simply copy them for better understanding and good exam grades.


So, by the TikTok trend as well as by watching one comedian/writer’s podcast, we found out that "blurting" is an amazing revision technique that not only helps professional writers but can work as a boon for students and teachers as well. Let me guide you with the explanation of this term. It is like writing what is on your mind right now. So this comic used to do this first thing every morning after waking up, just writing all the things on your mind at that time, so it would get out all the garbage thoughts too, and make a space for new information to grasp. Students, this will be an impactful routine for you, especially when you’re revising. Try to write out all your thoughts first and then try to write what you’d learned the previous day. You can do this two ways too: before your revision and after your revision. It will track your record on how much you can remember.


The above-mentioned revision techniques are seen or heard by you at some time but this one is so crucial since students and teachers sometimes forget to take a break from their schedule. which usually ends up in the undesired leg or wastage of time. Lunch and dinner breaks are a must to include in your timetable to help you gain your consciousness again so that you can easily grasp the concept in your revision time effectively. Apart from lunch and dinner, a half an hour break to listen to music or walk can freshen up your mood.

Power naps and a good night's sleep

Exams don’t mean you have to do the work continuously like a robot. We are humans so practically the brain requires some rest too and to give that rest short power naps are necessary. Apart from this, a good 7 to 8 hours of good night's sleep recharges the battery of our brain which is the utmost to prepare for revision.

We hope that you find these best five revision techniques unique as well as useful, and also hope that you don’t just read them but implement them in your routine life to get better at your memory absorption and better at your exams too.

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